Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Panko Beer Battered Asparagus

This is the first in my new line of recipes in which I make healthy foods into unhealthy dishes. Even though the asparagus is fried, it makes for a great summer lunch or appetizer. Now, I sort of just winged this recipe, so if you feel like there's something missing then I encourage you to add it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

French Onion Soup

It's been kind of cloudy and grey the past couple of days in Portland, even though it's terrible June weather it does make for great soup weather. French onion soup is filling and warm, so it's a nice contrast to the cold and wet weather outside.

I'm a terrible food blogger, because when I went to the store I forgot to buy a loaf of French bread. As a replacement I used the whole grain sourdough bread that was sitting in the bread box. The sourdough was a good replacement, I recommend using sourdough if you don't have any French bread.

This is a very simple dish with only a few ingredients. The hardest part about preparing this dish is cutting the onions, it's going to make you cry, so it's a good time to work through some emotions and think about that childhood pet that's now, "living at a farm upstate." If the onions make you cry too much don't worry, eating the finished soup is like a warm hug.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fish Tacos

Put down that taco right now! That taco doesn't compair to a fish taco. If you are eating a fish taco, my apologies, carry on. If you're not eating a taco right now, why not make these fish tacos?

When most people say they don't like fish tacos it's, because they've never tried fish tacos. I'll admit that ordering fish tacos from some restaurants might be more of a gamble than ordering the carnes asada, but if you try this recipe at home, I bet that you'll be hooked on fish tacos.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Stacked French Toast

Breakfast for dinner is always the right choice. When I noticed I had half of a day old baguette sitting on my counter, I decided to make some French toast with French bread. I was feeling fancy so I decided to add some berry syrup and cream cheese. The result was a classier than usual breakfast dish.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Zesty Bruschetta

Maybe it's just the season, but I've been adding lemon and lemon zest to lots of my dishes. Having citrus balsami vinegar in the pantry made the decision to add lemon zest to this appetizer an easy choice. The result is a fresher tasting bruschetta than usual.