Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Capri Sun Vodka Cooler

Capri Sun Vodka Cooler

If you're looking for the perfect summer drink this is it. The Capri Sun Vodka Cooler is refreshing, light and crisp. Most importantly though it taste like getting drunk off your childhood. Here's a tip for any soccer moms out there, these Capri Sun Coolers make the pain of losing the big game hurt, a little less. So I suggest handing these out after the next soccer match. 

Capri Sun Vodka Cooler

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Corn Flake Macaroons

Corn Flake Macaroons

As vintage month comes to end I thought I would adapt an old recipe I found in a Searchlight Recipe Book printed in 1944, sidenote: this book also contains several recipes for squirrel (perfect for wedding receptions). Corn flake macaroons just sounded olde tyme to me. Sure adding cereal to a dessert is pretty normal just ask Snap, Crackle or Pop. But corn flakes? They're one of the oldest types of cold cereal. Honestly I think they should be added to more recipes. It adds just enough of a crunch. 

Corn Flake Macaroons remind me a lot of rice crispy treats. They're both crispy and sweet, but these macaroons have a bit more depth to them, thanks to the coconut and chocolate. So if you're ready to step up your dessert game and impress everyone at the next family event. Let the kids make the rice crispy treats and make an adult dessert instead. 

Corn Flake Macaroons
corn flakes

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pretzel Topped Tuna Casserole

Pretzel Topped Tuna Casserole

It's week three of vintage month and it's about time I made a casserole. Tuna Casserole has alway been a weird dish, I mean hot tuna? You could not have made me eat this when I was younger, but the first time I tried tuna casserole I was shocked at how good it was! For a dish that has been reduced to pre-made mixes in the grocery store, tuna casserole can impress when made from scratch. It's surprisingly easy to make! I used pretzels to top mine because I always have to be a little different. Go ahead and make this easy to prepare meal, it's sort of healthy!

Pretzel Topped Tuna Casserole
Pretzel Topped Tuna Casserole
pretzels and cheese

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pot Roast

It's week two of vintage month on Cooking with B.S.! And we're featuring the most the oldest recipe ever, cooked meat. There is something appealing about simplicity. Maybe it's having fewer dishes to clean up after the meal is cooked or perhaps it's when you don't muddle the meat with every spice under the sun its true flavor comes out. Or perhaps these vintage recipes remind us of a simpler time, a better time, a time before quinoa.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Classic Potato Salad

Classic Potato Salad

No this potato salad doesn't have anything weird or crazy in it. No I didn't use some insane method of cooking these regular ol' potatoes. This is straightforward potato salad, though it does identify as egg salad on a few documents. 

I know last week I said this blog doesn't pander to the Pinterest people and that I wanted to move the culinary arts forward. The best way to move forward is to look to the past. That's why all month long on Cooking with B.S. we're bringing you classic-vintage recipes! 

Yes I know potato salad isn't exactly a culinary tentpole, but it's an American classic! Just try having a family picnic without potato salad. It doesn't work! Uncle Frank just spends the whole day asking, "Where's the potato salad?" Then Aunt Sally chimes in, "Frank you shouldn't be eating that anyway. Cause of the cholesterol." Next thing you know their martial banter turns into a full blown food fight and your quinoa-kale salad is on the ground. Where it belongs! The dog won't even eat it. All while you're quietly drinking a beer in the corner and telling yourself that you're definitely doing your own thing for Thanksgiving.

So yeah. Don't let that happen and just make this potato salad. 

Mayo & Mustard