Monday, January 21, 2013

Artichokes in Avocado Hollandaise Sauce

People always say that food carries an emotional and personal connection to to it. I tend to avoid talking about those kind of things on this blog, because I try to mainly focus on the food. Now this recipe doesn't have any personal or emotional for me, I mean it's just artichokes and sauce, but I feel like I've created a connection with this dish. Let's be honest you're not reading this post for the personal story behind it, you probably just found this recipe on Google or someone repined it on Pinterest and you just want to look at the pictures, or you'll just scroll down to the recipe without reading this text block.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Breakfast Chorizo Tacos

For too long breakfast burritos have hogged the spotlight in Mexican inspired breakfast food, but I say it's time to move on to something better than bland beans, cheese, and eggs stuffed in an old tortilla. The breakfast taco should get more attention, its size doesn't leave you bloated, like a burrito, but it's still enough to give you energy to start your day.

Also, good news this blog once again features high quality food photographs!